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Cat Ronin vs the Giant Koi Dragon Shirt

Cat Ronin vs the Giant Koi Dragon Shirt

Jon asked me what his next tattoo should be and I thought on it for a little, coming up with a samurai cat fighting a koi fish dragon. He really likes cats and who doesn’t love an amazing anime fight scene? I loved the idea and ran with it, but consulted my buddy Aaron about proper attire and we settled on the lone straw hat ronin for the cat, since he was more of a bounty hunter. I used to draw a lot of Japanese style dragons in highschool because they’re sickkkkk so I didn’t need any help with that. I really want to create more of these, they’re very fun! 

This design was created and screen printed by Ari in house on super soft cotton shirts from American Apparel. 

Regular price $41.00
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